Basics Of Vedic Astrology | Overview by Astrologer Sahil Kohli

Exploring the Basics of Hindu Astrology: Overview by Astrologer Sahil Kohli. Discover the foundational principles of Hindu astrology with insights from renowned astrologer Sahil Kohli.

Basics Of Vedic Astrology | Overview by Astrologer Sahil Kohli
Photo by Farzad Mohsenvand / Unsplash

Jyotish, as known in Hinduism, is a profound system that has its roots in ancient Indian wisdom and beliefs. According to this, cosmic bodies are believed to influence what happens on Earth, including personal fate.

 Using the guidance of Astrologer Sahil Kohli, who is a leading astrologist in India, one can gain profound ideas regarding how they might go through tough times with the aid of astrology and also utilise any opportunities they get. Keep reading to learn more about the information regarding its basic concepts, techniques and importance. 

Understanding Vedic Astrology

  • Cosmic Influence: Hindu astrology claims that heavenly bodies like stars produce subtle energy which impacts people’s lives.
  • Karma and Destiny: The astrological maps display how past life deeds affect the current life with karma as the primary focus. 
  • Personal Guidance: Charts known as Kundalis are employed for the identification of one’s personal details, events in life, and some challenges that may come his or her way making them offer personal advice.

What Are The Methods Used?

  • Birth Charts (Kundali): Each individual is born with his/her own set of celestial coordinates, which is his/her birth chart and gives his/her traits, defects, and directions. 
  • Astrological Houses: The chart has twelve different sections, each of which stands for varied life affairs (business, matrimonies) and the celestial bodies’ motions inside them. 
  • Planetary Periods (Dashas): These specific periods of life, which are influenced by different planets, govern some of the most important events in a person’s life and can show when to pursue opportunities or meet obstacles.

Cultural Role Of Astrology

Astrology is an age-old practice among Hindus across India and beyond. Special occasions like weddings, naming, beginning a business etc. are guided by astrological events. Future predictions and advice are given by astrologers which are equivalent to answers for anyone who feels confused concerning his/her next move.

"The placement of planets at birth shapes our destiny, guiding us through the journey of life." - Traditional belief in Hindu astrology.

Components of Hindu Astrology

Grahas (Planets) and Rashis (Zodiac Signs)

Nine Planets (Navagrahas): 

According to Hindu astrology, there are nine celestial bodies named Navagrahas and they are believed to have an impact: The Sun (Surya), the Moon (Chandra), Mars (Mangala), Mercury (Budha), Jupiter (Guru), Venus (Shukra), Saturn (Shani), Rahu (North Lunar Node) and Ketu (South Lunar Node).

Twelve Zodiac Signs (Rashis): 

Each sign represents specific traits and qualities, influencing how planets express themselves in different areas of life.

Nakshatras (Lunar Mansions)

Lunar Constellations: 

There are twenty-seven Nakshatras, connected to one star or a group of stars respectively. These stars define different characteristics and features of lives influenced by their location in the horoscope.

Yogas (Planetary Combinations)

Lucky or unlucky coincidences: Yogas are certain astrological combinations that show favourable or unfavourable life situations in an individual’s cycle. They are of extreme importance in comprehending one’s possible strong and weak points.

Final Thoughts-

Hindu astrology, combining a rich tapestry of cosmic symbolism and profound philosophical underpinnings, continues to fascinate and affect millions. What it brings is a system of interpreting how cosmic energies are tied to human life, besides mere predictions. 

To get in-depth astrological insights and personalized guidance consult, the best astrologer In India, Sahil Kohli now. He is accomplished in Astrology, Numerology and Vastu with over 15 years of experience.